Post-Script #1: The Legacy of Cultural Exchange Through the Oud

by Dr. Raja Zulkarnain “ The Post-Script Project revisits selected key moments and stories that shaped my journey with the oud (gambus) from 2003 to 2024. Each reflection offers fresh insights, connecting past experiences to the present, while exploring the oud’s cultural and personal significance.” This post-script reflects on an article that marked the beginning of my career as a musician, educator and oud enthusiast over two decades ago. Published on 3rd September 2003 in the Nuance section title Sultan of Strings of the New Straits Times and written by journalist Fazli Ibrahim, it became a turning point in my mission to elevate the oud within Malaysia’s cultural landscape. The article highlighted the journey of Isa Al-Husam Shuhaimi Wa’sa, a Saudi-born Malaysian who played a key role in promoting the oud in Malaysia. It also represents the starting point of my own dedication to these instruments. The article discusses the...